"Our purpose"
To lift Jesus up in our nation and across the world by way of shining the light of God’s Word on the political
"Our purpose"
To lift Jesus up in our nation and across the world by way of shining the light of God’s Word on the political
By Keith Allen
Consider this… is committed to lifting up Jesus in our Nation and the Nations of the world by reaching out through and participating in various social media platforms!
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of the One True Living God.
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and that His Word is the only Truth.
We believe that our Country is in trouble and that we are under a great spiritual attack of the enemy as his time is short.
We believe that many people vote for people and policies that def
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of the One True Living God.
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and that His Word is the only Truth.
We believe that our Country is in trouble and that we are under a great spiritual attack of the enemy as his time is short.
We believe that many people vote for people and policies that defy God’s Word out of ignorance; sometimes intentionally. (Hosea 4:6 “..my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge")
We believe that God loves ALL people and that Jesus was sent to die on the Cross for ALL people and that God commands that we love ALL people! (John 3:16, Matt. 22:36-40)
We believe that there are many “dormant” Christians in the world today and we have a responsibility to speak the truth to them. (Ezekiel 33:1-9)
We believe God’s Word does not change. What was sin in the beginning is still sin today.
We believe that Government has a responsibility to protect and serve the people in our Nation.
We believe that our current government administration is corrupt and is being exposed.
We believe that if we, the people of God will humble ourselves and pray, God will forgive us of our sins and will heal our great nation! (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Keith started preaching in 2005 and was ordained as a minister with the Church of God, (Cleveland, TN.) under his mentor, the late Pastor Jasper, (Jack), Marcum. Keith and his wife Judy also have their own ministry which is non-denominational.
Keith was born in Detroit, Mi., to a single mother and is the youngest of five siblings. Tragica
Keith started preaching in 2005 and was ordained as a minister with the Church of God, (Cleveland, TN.) under his mentor, the late Pastor Jasper, (Jack), Marcum. Keith and his wife Judy also have their own ministry which is non-denominational.
Keith was born in Detroit, Mi., to a single mother and is the youngest of five siblings. Tragically, Keith’s mom took her own life on his 8th birthday. Keith and his brothers and sisters were then adopted and raised by their grandparents, the late Art and Ruth Mock.
The Lord had a call on Keith’s life and even through a lot of turmoil, confusion, and anger, the Spirit of God was protecting and calling him even at a young age. Keith married his wife Judy in 1989 and they have 4 children. Judy was born and raised in Sterling Heights, Michigan to Muslim parents. Although her parents were Muslim, they did not raise their children in the faith of Islam; instead determining that they should choose their own path when they became of the age of understanding. Currently Keith and Judy are happy empty-nesters and reside in McAllen, Texas down in the Rio Grande Valley, (Border City).
Although he has never been called to “full-time” ministry, God has used Keith for many years in many Retail Leadership roles in his work life. In over 30 years in Retail Leadership, Keith and his wife Judy have lived in 8 different States and 16 Cities.
Keith and Judy believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and they strive daily to live according to a Biblical world view. They believe in the power and authority that is available to us through the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, and the shed Blood of our risen Savior and King!
The purpose of this podcast is to lift up the Name of Jesus in our Nation and across the world. We know that there are many Christians in our world who have gone “dormant”, and in some cases have even walked away from the Faith they once had in Jesus Christ. Through this podcast we intend to “wake up” these sleeping Christians by shining the light of God’s Word on the political and cultural issues of our day and exposing them according to the Holy Scriptures. We have a love for ALL people as we know that God is the Creator of ALL people and that He created ALL people in His image. WE Know that God sent Jesus to Calvary’s Cross for ALL people. As Christians, our responsibility is to love ALL people and to help them to find a relationship with Jesus! Once any person has a genuine encounter with Jesus, the Holy Spirit will remove some things from their life and will add some things to their life!
Keith and Judy have a love for the United States of America. They know that Jesus is the only hope our Nation has and that when His people cry out to Him, He hears the cries of His People! We here at “Consider this…” believe that it is time for the People of God to rise up in boldness and confidence in this season and to declare the Word of the Lord over the darkness that has run rampant in our Nation and the nations of the world. It is time to expose the corruption in our politicians and government officials who have operated in darkness for far too long. We believe it is time that we stop celebrating the sins of our culture and to expose them as the works of the enemy that they truly are, publicly through the Word of God.
God loves you and so do we here at Consider this…
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To be born again and have eternal salvation with our Father, you must become a new creation in Christ Jesus by inviting Him into your heart.
Ask Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior!
"Jesus, I accept you as My Lord and Savior.
I ask you to come into my heart.
I believe you came to this earth
to die so that we may live.
I believe you died on the cross,
were raised from the dead and destroyed
the kingdom of darkness.
I confess every sin I have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
I believe that you are faithful
to forgive me of my sins
and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.
I believe I am now born again
and a new creature in you.
When I depart from this world, I know
I will go to heaven and live eternally
with the Father in Jesus' Name.
Thank you Father for writing my name
in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Amen!"
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